During the festival, large pans will be placed outdoors, where paellas will be prepared in front of the participants. Each paella can have a unique combination of ingredients, such as chicken, rabbit, seafood, vegetables and spices, creating a wide range of flavors and styles.

At Paellarte (that’s the name of this festival), not only will there be 10 renowned restaurants that specialize in this rice dish, but there will also be a special price, only 7 euros per portion! And tapas and desserts will cost 5 euros.

Who will be present?

• ZOKO Retiro: arroz atunero meloso
• La Fábrica del Arroz: arroz negro con sepia y chipirones
• Restaurante Bahia: arroz verde con boletus, secreto ibérico y espinacas
• Arroceria El Trato: paella valenciana y fideuá
• Arroces Lavin: arroz del señoret al estilo de la Vega Baja alicantina
• Arrozitos: arroz con costillas ibéricas adobadas y alcachofas

What would catch my attention: arroz del señoret – it is rice with already peeled seafood. It is very, very tasty. If you haven’t tried it, we recommend it!

And also the fideuá – in a nutshell, it is the same as paella, but instead of rice, pasta. It is also a very popular Spanish dish, but apparently it is not prepared as often in Madrid as in Valencia.

Where: El Montecillo Multipurpose Center in Las Rozas (Avenida del Polideportivo, 22).
When: April 5 to 7
Admission is free! There will also be various workshops, live music, a boxing ring and entertainment for children.

Detailed information on the organizer’s website. You can now consult the menu.

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